Yasmine Drissi
I am an undergraduate student in Computer Engineering attending McGill University. My studies have provided me with a comprehensive understanding of technology, from the basics of transistor communication to complexities of CPUs, machine languages, and artifical intelligence. However, I am particularly fascinated by the emerging applications and methodologies in Computer Science. Given the rapid growth of this field, I believe in the importance of continuously seeking improvements in software applications and exploring the various aspects of these tools.
The REALISE Lab aligns with my interests, especially as I work on dependency management in AI software tools under the supervision of Dr. Diego Costa.
- Pure and Applied Sciences DEC at Dawson College (August 2020 - August 2022)
- Bachelor's of Engineering in Computer Engineering at McGill University (August 2022 - Present)
Professional Experience
- Research Intern at REALISE Lab (May 2024 - August 2024)
- Academic Dean's semestrial Honours List Fall 2021
- Academic Dean's semestrial Honours List Winter 2021
- Academic Dean's semestrial Honours List Winter 2022
- NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
Research Interests
As the field of computer science is innovating at a rapid rate, I strive to ensure that dependency management remains an important aspect considered and maintained throughout the use of new methodologies/tools, specifically in AI.
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